Community Arts: Saiwanho / HK 2017
Location: Youth Outreach, Hong Kong
Time: 2016
Background: Together with a group of youth from the School of Hip Hop (Youth Outreach) we developed this wall art-piece, which tells the stories of people in the area of street art, dance, skateboard, adventure and music. We invited some talented people to be interviewed by the youth, to talk about their experience of life, hopes and dreams. These stories manifested through typography, silhouette, graphics and drawings on the walls.
- by Damon Lam
Long time ago, when we were working in an organisation with drug addicts I was teaching a young boy guitar. After the lesson, he went back to his friends and told them:
“I showed Damon how to play guitars and now he‘s really good at it!”
This boy never wanted to have proper lessons or to accept anyone as his teacher and I managed to teach him something without him realising that he was being taught.
The youths in this project were so engaged and involved in the creative process, so at the end when the wall artwork finished, they were so proud of the outcome and felt that it was their piece. It was such a significant moment for us all.
We dreamed of creating moments where people can shine and do the best they can, to contribute their talents and energy to make visual images that speak about them and belong to them.