WALL 4 Afghanistan
A COMMUNITY MURAL PROJECT, Autumn 2021 - Wailing Wall Series
Klybeck Park, Basel (Switzerland)
“Who is this woman?”
We got asked very often. “She is one of you” would be our first answer. She is a symbol for a mother, who carrying the pain and the hope for her country.
Together with our friends from Afghanistan we created this #wailingwall #carrying in Basel to express our pain about the unstable situation in #afghanistan / There is one common language we all knew: “OUR #TEARS” / This sentence was said by a wonderful man. We all have our own story, we all need a place to deliver our #pain and locate our #hope. Let’s not stop praying until the day we can see peace again, let’s stand together, holding each other up and proclaiming that we believe in PEACE.
A Poem by #Fawzia Mohammadi about her #mother
“Dear mother, it is your love that is my friends and friendship.
If I prostrate myself before you, you are the caring person for my heart.
You remove all the pain from my heart.
You were with me, you were the friend and the friendship.
You are the confidant of my broken heart.
I faced the world face to face, your love still remains the strongest.
I wish you were the Mecca so I worshiped you, and prostrate myself before you.
I am alone in the darkness, I would tolerate the world for you.
Dear mother, your kindness and your purity were my friend and friendship.
Your prayer is always the crown on my head.
Dear mother, I pray that you shall never suffer.
Dear mother, you were the happiness of all my world.
I didn’t let go of your thought for a second.
Dear mother, you’ve always cared for me.
Dear mother, you’ve always cared for me.”
فوزیه محمدی
ی مادردست های تومهرتواست یارویاوری م
گرسجده کنم توباشی غم خواری دلی من
دل که از کناری همه دردش توبودی ای مادر
توبودی ای مادربالای سری من ای مادرتوبودی یارو یاوری من
بادردهای همه جهان ساختم توبودی هموزمان یاوری من
ای مادر دل سوزامدلم ازهمه دنیاشکسته
تواستی مرحمی این دل شکسته من
ای مادردست تومهرتواز دلم کم نباشد
باجهان روبه روگشتم مهرتوازدلم کم نباشد
ای کاش توقبله میبودی که سجده ات می کردم
باظلمت تنهایم هم طاقت دنیا می کردم
ای مادرهمه لطف وصفایت بودیارویاوری من
دعایت است همیشه تاج برسری من
ای مادرهمیشه دستای پرمهرتومراازبلاهادنیادورمیداشت
ای مادرتوبودی خوشی های همه دنیایی من
مادرمبود که یک لحظه فکرتوازسرم جداشود
ای مادر اوبودی غم خواری سری من
مادر توبودی غم خواری سری من
“I could see the woman portrait on the wall mural from a far distance. Thank you for painting this image to represent the dignity and values from our people from Afghanistan!”
That’s one of the most beautiful comment we’ve heard at the project weekend in Basel. It’s definitely our dream to create a safe, open and respectful platform for people who are displaced and being sent far from their roots, for them to express their emotions and feelings, to provide some moments that they could find peace and to deliver their pain, suffering, worries, sorrows and tears. At the same time to give them space to think about their beautiful memories back from home. We are altogether forming a community of love and trust, despite our diverse political views, religions or cultural backgrounds. It’s our basic human right to speak about our home and families, to share our personal life experiences with our brothers and sisters.
It’s truly our pleasure as Cup of Color team to witness that healing process, that’s the essence of how we believe in community art, when artists are working selflessly to support people to express their feelings, to transform tears of pain and suffering into a diamond rain, we’re so glad and thankful to be a part of making it happened.
Autumn 2021 - Klybeck Park, Basel (Switzerland)
Thomas K., Damon L., Rahel L., Samantha T., Anna A., Sohrab H., Omar H., Martin T., Yasin S., Marcel H.